August 14th the 13th Sunday After Pentecost

Basic CMYKGuest Pastor: Rev. Christy Ramsey
Gospel Text: Luke 10:25-37
Sermon Title: “Neighbor Lives Matter”
Sunday Worship is at 9:00 a.m.
Worship Location: 1662 Hope Ct., Truckee, CA
Set back in the woods near the corner of Hwy 267 and Brockway Road.
(In the Seventh Day Adventist facility.

Today we again welcome the Rev. Christy Ramsey as our Guest Pastor. Christy is the husband of one and father of two. Wife Bette Lynn is a Home Health Physical Therapist in Carson City, Nevada and daughter Rachel teaches in Grass Valley. Christy and Bette Lynn have been in Nevada since May of 2013.  Son Robert is in Akron, Ohio where Christy was a Presbyterian Pastor for eight years as part of thirty years in full time ministry in the Midwest. He enjoys technology, writing, webslinging, humor, twitter, movies, and science
fiction. Christy keeps busy keeping house and volunteering extensively at ComputerCorps, a non-profit where he helps recycle struggling spirits working to recycle and rebuild computers and lives.

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