Join Us Sunday July 22nd to Celebrate Our Year of Recycling for Africa

Let’s celebrate our recycling funds raised to support Africa through for Hands of Hope and International Health Partners. In the morning, at worship, we will dedicate our recycling funds. Then on Sunday evening it’s time to celebrate!​​ Join us at the Lott’s 10435 Royal CRST in Glenshire at 5:00 p.m.  We will eat around 6:00p.m.  Each year our recycling funds go to a project in Africa. Who would have believed that by saving bottles and cans we used to throw away, we could make such a difference! Besides that, we help the environment, and it doesn’t take one penny! Everyone is welcome! Come planning on good food, great fellowship and a fantastic time! If you have questions, call or email Edie Lott.

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