On Sunday, October 13, Paula Lofstrom and her son, David West, of International Health
Partners will be at TLPC for a joint service with Church of the Mountains at 10:00 AM. There will not be a 9:00 am TLPC service or 10:30 am COM service that day. Instead there will be one service for both congregations at 10:00 am. International Health Partners (IHP) is a small, independent nonprofit dedicated to improving the quality of healthcare in Tanzania. While not formally connected with the Lutheran church, they receive support from many Lutheran congregations around the US. TLPC has been involved with IHP since 2007 when Lorelle Banzett and Miriam Hoffmann
volunteered for a week at a new hospital IHP was building in Tanzania. A substantial portion of our annual CRV recycling proceeds have been sent to IHP, amounting to many thousands of dollars over the years. Our local Days for Girls chapter also sent a shipment of reusable feminine hygiene kits to them. A variety of African fair trade handicrafts will be on sale both before and after the service. All proceeds go to benefit IHP.
In addition, a variety of fair trade African handicrafts will be on sale at the church before and after the service; all proceeds will go to benefit International Health Partners.