Join us by Zoom for the TLPC Annual Congregational Meeting on Sunday, February 6 at 6:30 pm!
This is a very important time in the life of our congregation and TLPC needs your input and participation. At the meeting, TLPC Council will review the accomplishments of the past year, present the 2022 budget for your questions and approval, we will elect Officers, and members may bring up any idea or issue that is on your mind.
The TLPC Constitution requires attendance by a minimum of twenty percent of active members. Your attendance at this important meeting is needed and much appreciated… We ask that you please make this meeting a priority.
You can view and print the agenda by clicking the link below:
You can view the proposed 2022 TLPC budget by clicking the link below:
You can attend the Annual Congregational Meeting via Zoom by clicking the link below at 6:30 pm on Sunday, Feb. 6: