Welcome to worship on Passion Sunday at Truckee Lutheran Presbyterian Church. It has been a long tradition at TLPC to reenact the Passion of Jesus on Passion/Palm Sunday. We hope you’ll enjoy our presentation and find it meaningful in your journey toward Easter. Join us later this week for Maundy Thursday and Good Friday Services. The Bulletins are linked here. Online Bulletin In Person Bulletin
TLPC is now meeting at a new location, Church of the Church of the Mountains, 10079 Church Street. Truckee, CA , We worship at 9;00 am.
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Prayer Requests
We would like to pray for you. Please email any prayer requests to Marie Colbert, Prayer Team Leader, if you would like the Prayer Team or the Congregation to pray for you. Marie ColbertTLPC’s Weekly Newsletters
Don’t miss any of TLPC’s weekly Newsletters! They are found here. Archived Newsletters To sign up to receive our Weekly Newsletters in your inbox scroll down on the sidebar.