Social Action, Missions and Justice Ministries

‎Social justice is at the heart of the Christian faith. The religious leaders and people of faith involved in making the short public service video below couldn’t fathom a form of Christianity that doesn’t speak to systemic brokenness. They couldn’t imagine a Christian message of redemption and healing that only applied to people’s personal lives and not to their social lives.

Listen to this audio: “I’m a Social Justice Christian.”

“Talking about hunger without justice is like talking about Jesus without the cross!” Rev. Matthew Bode.

TLPC is involved in many organizations that help us carry out Christ’s love for the world in diverse ways. We support both the Lutheran and Presbyterian Hunger programs, along with Tahoe-Truckee hunger relief through Community House. As a Bread for the World Covenant Church, we advocate for political changes that effect poor and hungry people. We are active participants in the Community Collaborative of Tahoe Truckee. In addition, we adopt several families for Christmas.  Offering fair trade products and encouraging their use is also part of social justice at TLPC. Each year we recycle huge amounts of California Redemption Value cans and bottles and send the money, plus matching funds, to “Stand With Africa.” Much of the money raised for social justice is matched by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. A small congregation making a big difference; we take seriously Christ’s words in Matthew calling us to reach out to, “the least of these.” Matthew 25: 37-41. 

Here is our 2020 Social Action Missions and Justice Report.  Looking at it I’m amazed at all we manage to do!  Is it enough?  Of course not, but we’re working at it!

At the bottom of this page you will find links to some of the social action and justice ministries we are involved in.

Organizations and Ministries Which Make A Difference

TLPC Mission Trips: Members of TLPC participated in Mission Trips to Alaska and Nicaragua . These trips provide assistance to communities in need and provided youth and adults from TLPC with life changing experiences.

Sierra Community House:  Four long-standing North Tahoe/Truckee service organizations — Family Resource Center of Truckee, North Tahoe Family Resource Center, Tahoe SAFE Alliance, and Project MANA — have united to form the Sierra Community House. With locations in Kings Beach, Incline Village, and Truckee, we offer a range of services that help individuals and families in the North Tahoe/Truckee communities thrive.

Lutheran Office of Public Policy : An Advocacy Ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.  Edie sits on the Policy Council of the California Office.

Africa Recycling

Truckee Day

Fair Trade

Bread for the World

Presbyterian Hunger Program

ELCA Hunger Program

Community Collaborative of Tahoe Truckee TLPC is a partner in the Community Collaborative of  Tahoe Truckee.


Presbyterian Peace Fellowship

International Health Partners

Hands of Hope Zimbabwe