Worship Services

TLPC is Now Worshiping at 10079 Church Street Sundays At 9:00 AM!! 

TLPC is now worshiping at 10079 Church Street Sundays at 9:00 am.We encourage you to join us as we gather to praise, thank and celebrate God in worship each Sunday.  Our service is a locally-developed hybrid of Lutheran and Presbyterian liturgy (which literally means “work of the people”), a pattern of worship which originated in the first century Christian church.  The form, language and style are modern and vary somewhat week to week, but the essential elements remain constant.

At the center of our worship are Word and Sacrament. Each service includes readings from the Bible (based on the Revised Common Lectionary), the pastor’s sermon, prayers and Holy Communion, also known as the Lord’s Supper or the Eucharist.  We invite all members, guests and visitors to share in this sacrament.  Some people wish to receive communion every week, others less often.  We invite you to do what is meaningful and comfortable for you.

After the “Passing of the Peace,” children are welcome to remain in worship or go to Sunday School (age 3 through Middle School Confirmation).  All children return to the worship service in time for Holy Communion.

Our music is a rich blend of traditional hymns, contemporary songs and ethnic/folk music from our own and other cultures. Musicians accompany our congregational singing with piano and other instruments (flute, guitar, hand drums, rhythm instruments).  The music we sing reinforces the message of the day and helps us express our faith in a way words alone cannot do.  For many, it is the emotional component of our worship experience that brings comfort, hope and joy.

TLPC does not own its own building.  We meet at the historic Church of the Mountains facility at 10079 Church Street in  downtown Truckee.

Lector Pronunciation Guide